Parag Honour List is an annually curated collection of outstanding books of the year in English and Hindi for children and young adults. The latest edition, Parag Honour List 2023, was launched in February 2023.
Parag Honour List Book Box is an initiative that provides these outstanding books of the year to select non-profit organizations, independent libraries and other reading spaces in schools and communities.
This year, we are offering the PHL 2023 books across 6 carefully designed book sets.
English Early Readers
Hindi Early Readers
Hindi Young Readers
English Early Readers
Hindi Young Readers
Hindi Young Adults
Hindi Early Readers
Hindi Young Readers
Hindi Young Adults
English Early Reader
English Young Reader
Hindi Young Reader
English Early Reader
English Young Reader
English Young Reader
English Young Adult
For Set details, see here.
Apply for the PHL Book Box 2023 here: Application form
Applications close on September 17th, 2023!
For any queries write to us at paraghonourlist@gmail.com