
A community of readers

Community participation is an integral part of Parag libraries because children need to be supported by adults in their reading journey.


Little Librarians

The little librarians take books from the school library and visit all the wadis and bastis around the village.


A community of readers

When children are told stories at school and read to at home by parents and older siblings, they develop interest in books.  When they adults around them engaging with books, they are motivated to read.


A Two-way Street

A Two-way Street

The Parag libraries in Yadgir district of Karnataka are inviting community into the libraries and making it an inclusive space.

Gajendra Raut 2018


How libraries impact different stakeholders

The schools libraries set up by Parag in Gurmitkal block of Karnataka have impacted not just students, but built the skills of the library facilitators and established the library as an integral part of school education.

Dakshayani Suresh 2017

Book extension activities engage children and motivate reading in Yadgir

Book extension activities engage children and motivate reading in Yadgir

Carefully designed book extension activities in libraries play a key role in engaging both readers and non-readers. Activities introduce new books and genres, open up discussion and motivate children to reflect on their reading.

Dakshayani Suresh 2017

Lockdown Library

Covid-19 pandemic and widespread school closures has profoundly changed the everyday lives of children. Amidst the nationwide lock downs in the country, the approach to children’s learning and particularly of those from the marginalized sections has been affected.


हवामहल: कोरोना समय में बच्चों का झरोखा।
यह साप्ताहिक ई-पत्रिका RSCERT उदयपुर और सहयोगी संस्थाओं की साझेदारी में बच्चों को सूचना एवं संचार माध्यमों से दृश्य-श्रव्य सामग्री उपलब्ध कराने के उद्देश्य से शुरू की गई।
SMILE प्लेटफॉर्म के विभिन्न व्हाट्सअप समूहों से हर शनिवार बच्चों एवं शिक्षकों के लिए इन्टरैक्टिव शैक्षिक सामग्री भेजी जाती है। टाटा ट्रस्ट के पराग इनीशियेटिव और सीएमएफ के तकनीकी सहयोग से प्रथम बुक्स, अज़ीम प्रेमजी फाउंडेशन, रूम टु रीड, सेव द चिल्ड्रन, पिरामल फाउंडेशन एवं यूनीसेफ़ द्वारा प्रकाशित शैक्षणिक सामग्री का इस्तेमाल किया जाता है।

Library Khidki

A joint effort with the Department of Basic Education, Uttar Pradesh, Library Khidki is circulated twice a week on every Tuesday and Friday within the state of Uttar Pradesh. It comprises stories, poems, activities, articles and quality educational material for children and teachers through an online medium.

Our Libraries

Parag has supported libraries across 8 states. Our libraries are present across government schools and community centres. We work closely with teachers and children to build their capacity in running vibrant libraries. We also involve parents through community engagement.