
Learning to read is the most important activity for any child and is the foundation for all other learning and growth. Yet, reading is often seen as a task and not a pleasurable activity, something that gives you joy, nurtures you and helps you grow. Parag libraries aim to create such spaces where children read for pleasure, feel welcome to come and browse, read a book or sit and listen to a story being read aloud. It welcomes all – those who can read and those who cannot, those who read and those who do not. As one child once said during a visit to a Parag library, “Our library is like a breath of fresh air, different from the mundane and everyday routine of school.”

Supporting Vibrant Libraries:

India’s national curriculum framework (NCF) talks of the importance of school libraries throughout the document. According to the NCF, “Both teachers and children need to be motivated and trained to use the library as a resource for learning, pleasure, and concentration. The school library should be conceptualized as an intellectual space where teachers, children and members of the community can expect to find the means to deepen their knowledge and imagination”.

For majority of Indian children attending government schools, a library becomes a significant part of learning considering non-literate home backgrounds. Thus, one of the roles of the library is to help children get open access to plenty of reading and learning material beyond the textbooks, that can provide strong motivation for them to become literate and access world through children’s literature. Parag works to strengthen existing libraries and create new ones as means for children to access quality children’s literature in Indian language. Over the last few years we have supported 600 libraries across eight states reaching 40,000 children.

If you visit one of our libraries you will find:

How We Support:

  • Capacity Building of the librarian, teacher or facilitator in charge
  • Exposure to and demonstration of best practices to engage children in reading
  • Strengthen the library collection
  • Improve library infrastructure
  • Build Community Participation
  • Organise community and school level events

Lockdown Library

Covid-19 pandemic and widespread school closures has profoundly changed the everyday lives of children. Amidst the nationwide lock downs in the country, the approach to children’s learning and particularly of those from the marginalized sections has been affected.


हवामहल: कोरोना समय में बच्चों का झरोखा।
यह साप्ताहिक ई-पत्रिका RSCERT उदयपुर और सहयोगी संस्थाओं की साझेदारी में बच्चों को सूचना एवं संचार माध्यमों से दृश्य-श्रव्य सामग्री उपलब्ध कराने के उद्देश्य से शुरू की गई।
SMILE प्लेटफॉर्म के विभिन्न व्हाट्सअप समूहों से हर शनिवार बच्चों एवं शिक्षकों के लिए इन्टरैक्टिव शैक्षिक सामग्री भेजी जाती है। टाटा ट्रस्ट के पराग इनीशियेटिव और सीएमएफ के तकनीकी सहयोग से प्रथम बुक्स, अज़ीम प्रेमजी फाउंडेशन, रूम टु रीड, सेव द चिल्ड्रन, पिरामल फाउंडेशन एवं यूनीसेफ़ द्वारा प्रकाशित शैक्षणिक सामग्री का इस्तेमाल किया जाता है।

Library Khidki

A joint effort with the Department of Basic Education, Uttar Pradesh, Library Khidki is circulated twice a week on every Tuesday and Friday within the state of Uttar Pradesh. It comprises stories, poems, activities, articles and quality educational material for children and teachers through an online medium.

Our Libraries

Parag has supported libraries across 8 states. Our libraries are present across government schools and community centres. We work closely with teachers and children to build their capacity in running vibrant libraries. We also involve parents through community engagement.

Case Studies
How libraries impact different stakeholders

The schools libraries set up by Parag in Gurmitkal block of Karnataka have impacted not just students, but built the skills of the library facilitators and established the library as an integral part of school education.