
Parag supports publication of original stories and translations for children across the age group of 3-16 years. The main aim is to provide access to good quality story books for children in Indian languages. A wide range and variety of books have been released through various publishers and we are happy to share an array of new stories for different age groups with you.

Click on the book titles for more information

Pedru and The Big Boom

Pedru and The Big Boom

Pedru is curious about life beyond his village. Even though he loves his father’s cashew trees and mother’s curries, his loyal friends and football fields, he desperately wants to be an ‘explorer. But when his grand plan to escape turns topsy-turvy, he believes that he has set loose a chain of events, which will put his entire village in danger! Who are these mysterious new people? Why are they blasting a big hole in the hills near their village? What can he do to make things right? This story is an emotional rollercoaster that takes you through the struggle of one boy and his village, against a powerful opponent, to save their beloved land…

Jamlo Walks

It is day 7 of the lockdown and everyone says the skies are blue again. Jamlo walks. She looks straight at the road ahead. It is long.
The world has stood still. The streets lie empty and schools are closed. All work has dried up and people keep whispering the word ‘corona’ all the time. Jamlo walks down a long and hot road, alongside hundreds of other men and women and children whom Tara sees on TV. Jamlo walks as Rahul watches the streets turn quiet.
Jamlo walks and walks in a world that needs to be kind and just and equal. A world where all lives are seen as important.

Jamlo Walks

Chitty: A dog and her forest farm

Chitty: A dog and her forest farm

Chitty lives a free-spirited life on a forest farm in the Western Ghats. She has hair-raising encounters with wild animals, gobbles up termites, and loves jackfruit chips. She is also a wise and loyal friend, with an extraordinary mind and soul. Follow Chitty’s adventures down this winding forest trail — she will make you laugh and cry and marvel at her wonderful world.

This is where we live

An ordinary day unfolds through the eyes of Jugnu and Noorie, two felines in Shantiniketan—early morning rays slant in through the windows, fish and fruit sellers do their rounds, and children leave for school. However, as the hours slip by, and kal baisakhi, the spring storm, sweeps in all of a sudden, can the day be anything but extraordinary? Stop and stare at Jugnu and Noorie’s everyday world, discover the tiny details and peel each layer in this wordless and slow picture book.

This is where we live

Mini’s First Vote

Mini’s First Vote

Mini is in Standard 6, old enough to vote in the school elections. Soon, she has to help choose the school captain. Whom should she vote for?

Goplu’s Train Ride

Goplu is excited to ride on the train with Thammi, who has lots of friends and a smile for every one. Maybe today Goplu can make a friend too.

Goplu’s Train Ride

Barefoot Kanu Dadu

Barefoot Kanu Dadu

Chinar loves football. She wants to win the World Cup when she grows up. One day, when she asks Ma for a new pair of shoes, she hears the story of Kanu dadu, who played against the British barefoot—and won.

A Balloon Ride

Children adore flying balloons. How nice it would be to soar into the skies along with the balloon! This is a thought that fascinates not only little children but also adults. When does the little boy who is high up in the skies return? Balloons, moon, children… what does the poem say about these innocent notions?

A Balloon Ride

A dog called Shoo

A dog called Shoo

“Shoo!” says everyone who sees the little brown dog. She hears the word so often that she begins to think it’s her name. Until a boy taking a shortcut home decides to share his lunch with her…

At Home

Ammini misses school, and her brother Unni misses his aunt. Both of them miss playing in the park. But everyone has to stay indoors. Maybe they can go out for a walk today? Ammini hopes so. A day in the life of two children in a time of lockdowns and social distancing.

At Home



कहानी सशक्त है और समाज के उस वर्ग की परिस्थितियों के यथार्थ और मानवीय रिश्तों को दिखाती है जिनकी जगह आम बाल साहित्य में विरले ही मिलती है। कहानी में बच्ची का नाम मिट्टी ही बहुत कुछ कहता है। उसकी एक स्वाभाविक लेकिन असम्भव-सी इच्छा को पूरा करने के लिए माँ के सूझबूझ भरे जतन बच्चे के लालन-पालन की सीमाओं को एक अलग सन्दर्भ देते हैं । चित्र सहज सादगीपूर्ण और कहानी को बोलते-कहते लगते हैं। आठ पेज़ की एक रंगी छोटी-सी किताब कहानी के मामले में उम्दा है। बाल साहित्य में इस तरह की कहानियों का सादगी और सस्ते में आना सुकून देता है।

जंगल किसका

मुस्कान’ संस्था की बहुत ही सरल और छोटी सी दिखने वाली यह किताब अति संवेदनशील मुद्दे पर केंद्रित है। आज जब इंसान ने सभी जीवों की जगह हथिया ली है, यह कहानी इस नज़रिये को प्रस्तुत करती है कि यह धरती दूसरे जीवों की भी है। हम अनजाने में ही उनके घर और क्षेत्र में घुसपैठ कर रहे होते हैं। छोटी सी यह कहानी आदिवासी जीवन और लैंगिक समानता को भी बड़ी सहजता से प्रस्तुत कर देती है।

जंगल किसका

Bakri ke Saath

Bakri ke Saath

A poem for children on the friendship between a goat and a little girl by Shyam Sushil is illustrated by Bhargavkumar Kulkarni.

Kya Tum Ho Meri Dadi

When Avni’s dadi is no more, her father tells her that her dadi would return after thirteen days but not as her dadi. She could come as anyone- a bird, a flower, an ant or some other thing. Thus begins Avni’s journey to look for her dadi in everything she sees. Do you think she found her? Sanika Deshpande wrote and illustrated this sensitive and lively story. These figurative illustrations realistically portrays the ethos of the family that has experienced a loss of a member. Every illustration sets the mood of the page, so powerful are its characters. You will find the story and illustrations so familiar as if you have known them for years.

Kya Tum Ho Meri Dadi

गुठली तो परी है

गुठली तो परी है

गुठली सबकी चहेती है | अपने दोस्त चूजों के साथ वो हमेशा खुश-खुश रहती है | एक दिन वो अपनी पसन्दीदा फ्रॉक पहन लेती है उसे फ्रॉक उतारने और कभी फ्रॉक न पहनने की हिदायत दी जाती है | गुठली को अपनी पसन्दीदा फ्रॉक पहनने से क्यों रोका गया होगा ? आखिर कौन है ये गुठली ?


रिश्तों की नाजुक बुनावट लिए मितवा की कहानी, हर उस लड़की की कहानी है जिसने मुश्किलों से हारना सीखा नहीं।




आधारशिला स्कूल में पढ़ने वाले विद्यार्थियों द्वारा सूखे व अकाल के बारे में गाँवों के बड़े-बुज़ुर्गों से मिली जानकारी के आधार पर लिखा गया दस्तावेज़। जिसमें लोककथाएँ, फसलों का विवरण और कई मर्मस्पर्शी अनुभव एक साथ हैं।

A Germ of an Idea Microbes, Us and the Microbes Within Us

A germ of an Idea is a non-fiction comic book about the microbes that live in the human body. It is a fascinating tale of interaction between microbes and humans, that researchers are just beginning to unravel. Intended for children and adults alike, it is suitable for anyone who is interested in exploring the microbial part of themselves.

Ammu and the Sparrows

Agla kaun

आरव का छाता

आरव की आई उसके लिए एक छाता लाई।
पर बारिश तो गिर नहीं रही।
अब आरव उस छाते से कर भी तो क्या।

मटके में चाँद

बूढी गुडव्वा की जिंदगी संघर्षों व् तकलीफों से भरी हुयी थी लेकिन अपने पोते के लिए वह एक जादुई दुनिया बुनती है |

Ammu and the Sparrows

Agla kaun

चिकनिक चूँ (बिग बुक)

भैंस पानी में चली गयी है |
आज व शायद चुपचाप बैठना चाहती है |
पर उसके सर का जूँ उससे सवाल पूछे जा रहा है |
चिकनिक चूँ चिकनिक चूँ सर पर सींग उगाए क्यूँ

इतिहास की आत्माएँ

यह दो कहानियों का संकलन है: बादशाह, मेरा दोस्त और प्यारी आत्माऍं।

पहली कहानी आदिल के इर्द-गिर्द चलती है। आदिल इतिहास सीखना चाहता है, पर उसे लगता है कि इतिहास उसे पसन्द ही नहीं करता। क्या कोई मदद कर पाएगा?
दूसरी कहानी मथाई अपच्चन की है। अंकुरों के सूख जाने से पहले मथाई अपच्चन खेत में बुवाई कर लेना चाहता है। देखो, उसकी मदद करने के लिए कौन आया है…

Ammu and the Sparrows

Agla kaun

हिना पुरानी दिल्ली में

हिना पुरानी दिल्ली में एक हवेली में रहती है, वह यहाँ अकेली नहीं है: इस रौनक भरे पुराने घर में उसके साथ लगभग सौ अन्य लोग रहते हैं। हिना जरदोजी कढ़ाई करने वालों के परिवार से आती हैं और खुद इस शिल्प को सीख रही हैं। वह एक शिक्षक बनने का सपना देखती है।

अंडे दी गल!

मुर्गी के बाड़े में झांककर देखने पर बोबू को दिखा एक अण्डा | तो हम बोबू के साथ मिलकर देखते है कि वह अण्डा आखिर क्या बना |

Ammu and the Sparrows

Agla kaun

तितली -खिले हवा के फूल

आइए लीला के साथ मिलकर देखते है कि एक छोटा सा अण्डा किस तरह एक खूबसूरत जीव में बदल जाता है |

Nature Society Series (Maharashtra, Odisha, Lakshadweep Map)

The present series of small books on Indian states have an innovative map with a brief text. It seeks to blend cartography and art, nature and society, information and criticality, map and text, and knowledge and change. The new map indicates places which can help students to see relationships in a complex landscape and ask questions.

Ammu and the Sparrows

Agla kaun

Nature Society Series (Rajasthan Map)

The present series of small books on Indian states have an innovative map with a brief text. It seeks to blend cartography and art, nature and society, information and criticality, map and text, and knowledge and change. The new map indicates places which can help students to see relationships in a complex landscape and ask questions.

Our World (Big Book)

Our World invites us to read beyond simple text and see beyond vivid illustrations to re-discover something we already know: The earth is our home, and we are all connected through visible and invisible threads. Our World helps us to remember this. Joyously.

Ammu and the Sparrows

Agla kaun

Lightning (Big Book)

Lightning is the story of a tigress of Ranthambore. Of the numerous anecdotes about her, Prabhat has chosen one that reflects on the togetherness of humans and wild animals. Sensitively portrayed, the story shows that together Lightning and the people make Ranthambore the place that it is.
Allen Shaw has illustrated the book. The book is painted with watercolours. Its bright colours would surely attract you.

Asamo, is that you?

The lights are out, and Yumum is looking for Asamo. But what if she isn’t the only one wandering about in the dark?

Ammu and the Sparrows

Agla kaun

चकाचक चीकू

चीकू और उसके दोस्तों के लिए यह एक सामान्य दिन है। लेकिन फिर कुछ असाधारण होता है। क्या चीकू सबको बचा पाएगा? चलिए इस दिलचस्प कविता के माध्यम से इसको जानते हैं।

Then and Now

It’s drizzling, and Appa tells Chiltari a story of the city of his childhood. And then father and son step out to discover a city where past meets present.

Ammu and the Sparrows

Agla kaun

Hauz Khas: A School by the Lake

Would you like to walk a secret trail? This book takes you down one in Hauz Khas in Delhi—through a garden, an old school, a mosque and some tombs.

On the Metro (Big Book)

Zeba and her Abbu are off to see the Qutab Minar. They are taking the Metro. Hop on, and ride with them.

Ammu and the Sparrows

Agla kaun

Sumi Budhi and Sugi (Big Book)

Every morning Sugi nudges Sumi Budhi awake at daybreak. They spend every waking moment together. Sugi is a goose and Sumi Budhi’s friend. This slice-of-life story looks at the relationships between humans and animals.

That Night

Chaitu wakes up to loud and angry voices. The night is dark but a fire rages in the distance. Chaitu is terrified for her family, friends and home. Why are these voices so angry? What do they want? A story set in a world fed by fear and intolerance.

Ammu and the Sparrows

Agla kaun

अगला कौन?

अमीना ऊबी हुई है। वह अपने हरेक खिलौने से खेलकर उकता चुकी है। अपनी बोरियत दूर करने के लिए उसे कुछ सूझ नहीं रहा है। तभी उसे कहीं से कुछ आवाज़ सुनाई देती है…

Ammu and the Sparrows

Ammu spends his days with Ammamma. He feeds the birds and waits to see if Amma and Accha sparrow will come visit.

Ammu and the Sparrows

अप्पूकुटन को कैसे तोलें? (बड़ी किताब)

जब छोटा राजकुमार अप्पुकुट्टन को नाश्ता करा रहा था, उसके दिमाग में एक सवाल आया, “अप्पू का वज़न कितना होगा?”
जल्द ही सारा राज्य इस सवाल का हल ढूँढने में जुट गया।
और हल खोजा, नन्ही मीनू ने। कैसे?
यह तुम कहानी पढ़कर पता लगाओ…

It’s my colour

Whose colour is GREEN? asked the little boy.
“It’s mine!” preened the parrot. “It’s mine! It’s mine!” babbled the bitter gourd.
And GREEN, RED, YELLOW, BLUE…? The little boy goes on… As bright hues jump and dance across the pages in this tussle over who owns which colour, the sun has the last laugh!

It's my colour


कहानी कागज़ की कश्ती और उसके सफर की। कहानी जो शब्दों में नहीं, चित्रों में चलती है।

कटपीस कुमार

कुमार यह सुनकर बहुत खुश है कि जल्द ही उसके परिवार में एक नया मेहमान आने वाला है। वह उस नए मेहमान के लिए कुछ बनाना चाहता है। वह सोचता है, खूब सोचता है और तय करता है कि वह बनाएगा…

Katpees Kumar
Saahi's Quest

Saahi’s Quest

Saahi is a Wandering Glider dragonfly. As soon as she grows wings, she takes off on a quest – to look for more Wandering Gliders. Along the way, she meets many tiny creatures and learns about how they live. But will she find more dragonflies like herself?


एक बूढ़े को चाह थी कि उसके बागान में एक बड़ा व मीठा शलजम उगे। तो उसने उगा लिया मीठा-मीठा बड़ा-सा शलजम पर बूढ़ा उसे निकाल न पाया। अब बूढ़ा क्या करेगा, कैसे निकालेगा शलजम को…

The Grass seeker

The Grass seeker

As the weather turns warm, Room Singh takes his flock of goats and sheep and scales the Himalayas for fresh grass. With global warming a reality, this photo book traces the journey that a Gaddi shepherd has been making for the last 40 years.

The Miracle on Sunderbaag Street

Young Zara sits alone every evening, in a dump yard on Sunderbaag Street. One day, Miss Gappi plants an idea in Zara’s mind. This sets them off on a mission that changes Zara’s life… and the lives of many who live on Sunderbaag Street.

The Miracle on Sunderbaag Street
Travelling Seeds

Travelling Seeds

Flyer, floater, trickster, hitchhiker! Did you know that seeds can take on the most amazing roles in their quest to keep their species alive? Read on to explore the different ways seeds travel, and also meet the animals that help them on these journeys.

सतरंगी लड़कियाँ/ सतरंगी लड़के – फ्लिप बुक

क्या सभी लड़कियाँ एक जैसी होती हैं? क्या सभी लड़के एक जैसे होते हैं? ज़रा सोचिए

Satrangi Ladke
The Art Gallery on Princess Street

The Art Gallery on Princess Street

Kekoo and Khorshed Gandhy gave modern Indian art a window to make a mark around the world. Bombay’s Gallery Chemould was a home away from home for the art community.

Bombay Ducks, Bombay Docks

It’s raining and there’s not much one can do outdoors. Come and listen to Aaji’s story about the Kolis, the original inhabitants of Bombay, their favourite fish Bombay Duck and the city’s magnificent docks.

Bombay Ducks, Bombay Docks
Jeevar ki bahar

जीवन की बहार

जैव विकास एक मुश्किल विषय है| विकास की यह यात्रा रासायनिक अणुओ के निर्माण,उनके संगठन और फिर उस संगठन के क्रमिक विकास की कहानी है जिसमें बढ़ते क्रम में अधिक जटिल सूचनाओं का प्रबन्धन, उस सूचना के उपयोग से कृत्रिम विश्व का निर्माण, विश्व की मानसिक छवि का निर्माण और भविष्य का नियोजन तक शामिल है| प्रोफेसर गाडगिल ने रोचक विवरणों की मदद से इसे सरल व सुगम बनाने का प्रयास किया है|

उम्मीद के रंग

देश के सरकारी स्कूलों में चुपचाप काम कर रहे अनेक शिक्षक है जो बच्चो की शिक्षा की संवेदनशीलता को गहराई से अनुभव करते है| यह किताब ऐसे ही कुछ शिक्षकों के अनुभवों का संकलन है| शिक्षको के ये स्मरण दिखाते है कि किस तरह सिमित संसाधनों व तमाम दूसरी चुनौतियों से ये शिक्षक अपनी आन्तरिक प्रेरणा से जूझते है और नए व् रचनात्मक तरीकों से उनसे पार भी पाते है|

Umeed k rang
Nature Society Series

Nature Society Series

This book is a part of a series of small books along with maps on Indian states. A unique educational material developed to engage with children in the libraries and classrooms. It is a blend of cartography and art, nature and society, map and text which makes it different from the maps usually seen in textbooks and school atlases.

A Camel for Kelam

Pabu’s niece Kelam wants a camel for her birthday. So he sets out from Rajasthan for Lanka to look for one. Find out where this journey takes him.

A Camel for Kelam
I am a Puppet

I am a Puppet

Who am I? Sometimes I look like an alien. Sometimes I look like a clown. I can dance and I can move. I can live in a glove and in a sock. I have a large family. Come meet me.


सुडोको,चुपनचुपाई,भूलभुलैया,अन्तर ढूँढ़ो और पहेलियों के अलावा चकमक में छपे माथापच्ची के कई सवाल… करके देखो।

Chidiya ki bhayli

चिड़िया की भायली

चिड़िया और चुहिया ऐसी भाएली थीं जिनमें ज्यादा पटती नहीं थीं, पर एक-दूसरे के बिना रह भी नाजी पाती थीं। ऐसा क्या हैं जो दोनों की दोस्ती बनाए हुए हैं।

Po Tricks His Foe

Can You Imagine an animal with a tongue almost as long as its body? Why would it need such a long one? The Tongue is just one of several unusual things about the creature called a pangolin. This is a story about Po, a little Pangolin, who sets out late one evening to look for food, only to run into some trouble. What tricks can a pangolin play to get out of trouble? read on and find out!

What Makes Me ME

Your family, the shape of your nose, what you love to eat, the words you use, what makes you happy or sad, the keepsakes you collect… Lots of little things come together to make you YOU, and me ME…

Book of Bhoots

Who whispers your name in the wind on this moonless night? Maybe nothing. Maybe something. Turn the pages of this book, and maybe you’ll hear it. And if you do, there’s no going back.


मेरा खच्चर डण्डा है

चार से चौदह वर्ष के बच्चों की स्कूल, नदी, चिड़िया,बारिश,दंगों जैसे ज़िन्दगी के विविद पहलुँओं पर कविताएँ। लम्बी, छोटी, मीठी, तीखी इन रचनाओं में तुम्हें अनेक रंग व स्वाद का एहसास होगा|

Srinivasa Ramanujan: Friend of Numbers

A toddler captivated by patterns to a young man matching the best minds in Cambridge. Following his singular fascination with numbers, this book brings to children the story of brilliant mathematician Srinivasa Ramanujan!

तीस की मुर्गी बीस में

रोज़मर्रा की ज़िन्दगी के बारे में लिखे बच्चों के किस्से-कहानियाँ, उनके विचार और अनेक चीज़ों पर उनकी टिप्पणियाँ। कहीं आराम से बैठकर पढ़ना, एक बार से मन नहीं भरने वाला।

The Nose of all Noses

Zahra’s Dadima has an unusually large nose. It picks up scents that others cannot even imagine. Zahra wants a super nose too. Find out what happens when Dadima and Zahra take a deep sniff of attar and embark on an adventure to train for a super nose.

Parag Honour List Books 2023

Parag Honour List 2023 brings to you a curated collection of outstanding books in English and Hindi, for children, young readers and young adults.

An initiative of Tata Trusts, the Parag Honour List, published annually, comprises of noteworthy books of the year with brief information about each title. It has been created after careful screening and multiple reviews by experts in the children’s literature sector. The list aims to promote access to good quality children’s literature that librarians, teachers, parents and children can refer to and read.

As per this year’s criteria, we received original writing in the category of early readers, young readers and young adults, in fiction, non-fiction and poetry, from 33 Indian publishers, published between October 2021 and September 2022.

We hope this list will enable a wider readership to some of the best Indian children’s books!

Children’s Publishers and Bookstores

Here is a list of some bookstores and publishers who offer good books for children.

Children’s Publishers

A list of children’s publishers pan India who publish good books for children.

Children’s Bookstores

A list of some bookstores across Indian cities where you can find good quality Indian children’s literature.

Supporting Children’s Publishing

A wide variety of books have been published over the last 12 years in multiple Indian languages and across age groups.

Parag Catalogue

The Parag catalogue provides a sneak peak into the books supported since 2005, their central themes and ideas. The books are categorized according to age groups and genres. However, the categorization is suggestive and their most effective usage lies in the hands of readers/story tellers/educators/parents. Books marked for ages 6+ can be read aloud to young children, while Teachers’ Resource books can be read by teens. Books are listed under one category to avoid duplication. This annotated catalogue lists the books published by the Trusts’ partners, under picture books, poems, young readers, activity Books and teachers’ resource books.

Parag Honour List

For more than a decade Parag has been working to catalyse the children’s literature sector in India. Parag has supported the publication of 700+ titles in 9 Indian languages reaching more than 40 million readers.


Parag Honour List

For more than a decade Parag has been working to catalyse the children’s literature sector in India. Parag has supported the publication of 700+ titles in 9 Indian languages reaching more than 40 million readers.


Case Studies
Children’s Literature for ALL

Opening up the world of books to children with disabilities is an important pathway to making literature and society more inclusive