This unusual book attempts to banish the common perception that philosophy is not for children, though most of us can recognize that children make wonderful philosophers. The book is divided into sections where timeless and core philosophical concerns are transformed into common themes in a child’s life – seeing, thinking, reading, writing, mathematics, art, being good and learning – that they can relate to easily. The quirky illustrations animate and support the lucid text that makes philosophy contemporary, fun, relatable yet absorbing.
Broadening the scope of the struggle for independence that children have read in their history books, this book links the events that began in 1857 and developed and swelled into the tide that swept us to freedom in 1947. Apart from events and personalities, it also discusses the ideas, ideologies and philosophies that shaped the freedom struggle and continue to influence modern India and people and movements around the world.
Online Encounters and More – 12 Teenage Stories
This book fills an important gap, that of reading material for teenagers that is about their lives as they lead them today, surrounded by technology, stark economic inequalities, and fast changing social norms and priorities. The stories depict teenagers from different strata of Indian society, girls and boys, urban and rural, rich and poor. Real issues are dealt with without preaching or judgements, and real dilemmas are presented frankly.
The book addresses the all-pervasive topic of skin colour in India. The delightful illustrations present a whole palette of skin tones by associating the shades to all kinds of things around us. Did you realise that biscuits come in all kinds of skin colour? The rhymes accompanying the illustrations challenge gender stereotypes, bring in unusual professions and children who dream big.
Chitty – A Dog and Her Forest Farm
Chitty is a dog who is taken from the streets of Pune to a life in a forest farm in the Western Ghats. We are introduced to her world at the farm, her growing years, her adventures and her deep, abiding relationship with Serow. The illustrations bring this green, wet, funny, scary world alive. The sensitive portrayal of Chitty’s passing is a mediation on the nature of life that is such a rare opportunity for children to relate to it in writing.
Children have always been fascinated by creepy-crawlies, and the common cockroach is a familiar one for most children. This book gives an entertaining insight into its private life, its unique anatomy, its habits and habitats, strange facts like how long a cockroach can hold its breath and its amazing hardiness that has helped it to survive nearly unchanged for millions of years before humans appeared on Earth.
In this story, Reva and Prisha are two children sharing a home with two mothers, Runu and Pritam. A sensitive portrayal such as this one, capturing a glimpse into the lives of queer people by a queer author does not feel tokenistic at any point in the book and in fact underscores that life is a rainbow in its multifarious dimensions. The illustrations add a different dimension to bringing the characters alive, highlighting some unique sides to this family.
A story about an 11-year-old would-be pastry chef. Narrated in a lively tone, the play on words and font-sizes adds to the humour. Pinkoo Shergill would much rather make raspberry cheesecake, than practice shooting like a good Punjabi boy, much to the disappointment of his Papaji. So, will Pinkoo win the baking contest and justify his passion? Find out, as you delight in the witty language, taste all the sinful delights conjured up by Pinkoo and meet blabbermouth Tutu, annoying Nimrat and coach Aalu!