
  • Course commences:24 September 2023
  • Course duration:7 months
  • Batch strength:30-35
  • Course language:Hindi
  • Application end date:30 August 2023
  • Course fee:Rs 25,000 (to be paid in two installments) Scholarship available
  • Course prospectus:Download

  • Apply Now

The Library Educators Course in Hindi is a seven-month structured offering for teachers, school librarians, development sector professionals, and literacy and language educators. It invites professionals working with children and/or engaging with books with the desire to spread the joy and culture of reading. The course comprises of three contact sessions organized in Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh. The LEC in Hindi has successfully completed eight batches. More than 200 library educators from 43 organisations across 19 states have graduated from the course.

The course offers an opportunity to become familiar and evolve an in-depth understanding about library practices, children’s literature and discover oneself as a reader. It equips the participants with a good conceptual understanding of libraries and its elements and the diversity, beauty and complexities of children’s literature. During the course, the participants also acquire the skills required for establishing and running vibrant libraries. The three contact sessions and the distance period through the seven months is a period of intense discussions, extensive reading, collaborative exercises and reflective writing. The contact periods are organized in an inviting physical space enriched with a display of curated collection of children’s literature. Some of the best contemporary authors and poets, scholars in the field of children’s literature and library practitioners conduct sessions.

Participation in discussions on Moodle during the distance mode, completion of assignments and field project are graded. For more information, please go through the course prospectus.

पराग का लाइब्रेरी एजुकेटर्स कोर्स सात महीने का एक प्रोफेशनल डेवलपमेंट कोर्स है। यह शिक्षकों, स्कूल के लाइब्रेरी प्रभारियों, सामाजिक विकास के क्षेत्र में एवं साक्षरता व भाषा प्रशिक्षक के तौर पर काम करने वाले सभी कार्यकर्ताओं के लिए एक बहुत ही उपयोगी कोर्स है।

यह कोर्स उन सभी लोगों को आमंत्रित करता है जो बच्चों / किताबों के साथ काम करते हैं और पढ़ने के आनंद व पठन संस्कृति को लेकर सरोकार रखते हैं। सात महीने के इस कोर्स के दौरान तीन सम्पर्क सत्र होते हैं जो मध्यप्रदेश के भोपाल शहर में आयोजित किये जाते हैं। हिन्दी में चलने वाले इस लाइब्रेरी एजुकेटर्स कोर्स के आठ बैच हो चुके हैं , 2023 में यह इसका नवाँ बैच है। देश भर के 19 राज्यों के 43 अलग अलग संस्थाओं से जुड़े कोई 200 से भी अधिक लाइब्रेरी कार्यकर्ता अब तक इस कोर्स से प्रशिक्षित हो चुके हैं और अपने- अपने कार्य क्षेत्र में अनूठे काम कर रहे हैं ।

इस कोर्स में प्रतिभागियों को लाइब्रेरी प्रैक्टिसेज़ एवं बाल साहित्य की गहरी समझ बनाने एवं स्वयं की एक पाठक के रूप में पड़ताल करने का मौका मिलता है। प्रतिभागी लाइब्रेरी और उसके आयामों की अच्छी अवधारणात्मक समझ बना पाते हैं और बाल साहित्य में विविधता, लालित्य और उसकी जटिलता को समझ पाते हैं। कोर्स के दौरान प्रतिभागी एक लाइब्रेरी को स्थापित करने एवं उसे जीवंत बनाते हुए संचालित करने के लिए जरूरी हुनर सीख पाते हैं। तीन सम्पर्क सत्रों सहित डिस्टेंस अवधि वाले इन सात महीनो में सघन परिचर्चाएं, गहन अध्ययन एवं सामूहिक रूप से अभ्यास व चिंतनशील लेखन का काम होता है। तीनों सम्पर्क सत्र एक ऐसे जीवंत व बाल साहित्य के संग्रह से समृद्ध स्थान पर होते हैं जहां प्रतिभागियों को इसके प्रत्यक्ष अनुभव व संवाद के अवसर मिलते हैं। प्रतिभागियों को इस दौरान बाल साहित्य, एवं लाइब्रेरी के क्षेत्र के कुछ विशेषज्ञों व नामी लेखकों, कवियों व विद्वानों से रूबरू होने का मौका मिलता है, जोकि कोर्स के दौरान कुछ सत्र भी लेते हैं।

Core Faculty

Anil Singh

Anil works with the Professional Development vertical of Parag Initiative. He anchors the ninth offering of the Library Educators Course and has been a course faculty and mentor for several batches. A passionate storyteller, Anil has been active in the field of school education for over two decades. Anil publishes his writing regularly in journals and blogs on his experiences in the classroom, children’s literature and his observations about the state of education in contemporary society. His story collection, Chamanlal Ke Paijaame, published by Ektara, was featured in the Parag Honour List 2020. Anil works with the LEC alumni in Madhya Pradesh and is actively engaging the alumni in promoting awareness about library practices.

Anil works with the Professional Development vertical of Parag Initiative. He anchors the ninth offering of the Library Educators Course and has been a course faculty and mentor for several batches. A passionate storyteller, Anil has been active in the field of school education for over two decades. Anil publishes his writing regularly in journals and blogs on his experiences in the classroom, children’s literature and his observations about the state of education in contemporary society. His story collection, Chamanlal Ke Paijaame, published by Ektara, was featured in the Parag Honour List 2020. Anil works with the LEC alumni in Madhya Pradesh and is actively engaging the alumni in promoting awareness about library practices.


Shivani Bajaj

Shivani has worked in the field of primary education with NGOs like Eklavya, Nirantar and CEMD. She has organized a children’s book reading club for 6 years; where the focus was on inculcating a love for reading in primary school children. In the past, she has been associated with Tata Trusts as a library consultant and was part of the team that developed and facilitated the pilot round of the Library Educators’ Course. She has mentored LEC participants for three batches now and contributes towards LEC content and moodle discussions. She also works as a part time translator. Shivani holds a masters degree in Linguistics from the University of Delhi.

Shivani has worked in the field of primary education with NGOs like Eklavya, Nirantar and CEMD. She has organized a children’s book reading club for 6 years; where the focus was on inculcating a love for reading in primary school children. In the past, she has been associated with Tata Trusts as a library consultant and was part of the team that developed and facilitated the pilot round of the Library Educators’ Course. She has mentored LEC participants for three batches now and contributes towards LEC content and moodle discussions. She also works as a part time translator. Shivani holds a masters degree in Linguistics from the University of Delhi.

Nidhi Qazi

Nidhi is a member of the Professional Development team of Parag and is a faculty and mentor for the Library Educators Course. She comes with a rich experience of facilitating courses and in-service teacher trainings in her work with Eklavya and the Language and Learning Foundation. Her nuanced understanding about children’s literature adds value to Parag’s vision of nurturing library educators. Her areas of work have been teacher education in early literacy, pedagogy for ECE programmes. Committed to the public education system and ensuring a fruitful learning experience for teachers and herself remains at the core of her work. Nidhi enjoys reading Hindi literature and writing free verses.

Nidhi is a member of the Professional Development team of Parag and is a faculty and mentor for the Library Educators Course. She comes with a rich experience of facilitating courses and in-service teacher trainings in her work with Eklavya and the Language and Learning Foundation. Her nuanced understanding about children’s literature adds value to Parag’s vision of nurturing library educators. Her areas of work have been teacher education in early literacy, pedagogy for ECE programmes. Committed to the public education system and ensuring a fruitful learning experience for teachers and herself remains at the core of her work. Nidhi enjoys reading Hindi literature and writing free verses.


Sonika Kaushik

A faculty and mentor for the Library Educators Course, Sonika works with the Professional Development vertical of Parag. Her areas of interest include development of literacy in the early years, literature for young children and academic development of teachers of young children. Her work has included diverse roles including teacher of young children in schools, teacher educator and researcher.

A faculty and mentor for the Library Educators Course, Sonika works with the Professional Development vertical of Parag. Her areas of interest include development of literacy in the early years, literature for young children and academic development of teachers of young children. Her work has included diverse roles including teacher of young children in schools, teacher educator and researcher.

Guest Faculty

Tultul Biswas

Tultul Biswas

Tultul is the Director of Eklavya Foundation and coordinates the teacher education, outreach and advocacy programmes at Eklavya. She is actively engaged in designing learning opportunities, workshops, short courses for teachers and grassroots level education activists and brings about change in classroom practices. In her work at Eklavya, Tultul shaped the team developing books for children, teachers and lay-readers with a focus on developing and publishing books that portrayed independent, thoughtful children with an agency of their own and hands-on easy to use learning materials for teachers and parents. Tultul has been associated with the Library Educators Course for the last few years and has anchored the segment on childhood in the course.

Tultul is the Director of Eklavya Foundation and coordinates the teacher education, outreach and advocacy programmes at Eklavya. She is actively engaged in designing learning opportunities, workshops, short courses for teachers and grassroots level education activists and brings about change in classroom practices. In her work at Eklavya, Tultul shaped the team developing books for children, teachers and lay-readers with a focus on developing and publishing books that portrayed independent, thoughtful children with an agency of their own and hands-on easy to use learning materials for teachers and parents. Tultul has been associated with the Library Educators Course for the last few years and has anchored the segment on childhood in the course.

Prachi Kalra

Prachi Kalra teaches courses in the pedagogy of language and children’s literature at the Department of Elementary Education at Gargi College, University of Delhi. Her areas of interest are children’s literature, literacy and storytelling. Her doctoral research with primary school children revealed that children like complex and challenging stories which invite them to examine their understanding of the world. Prachi has been a jury member for the Parag Honour List in English and Hindi.

Prachi Kalra teaches courses in the pedagogy of language and children’s literature at the Department of Elementary Education at Gargi College, University of Delhi. Her areas of interest are children’s literature, literacy and storytelling. Her doctoral research with primary school children revealed that children like complex and challenging stories which invite them to examine their understanding of the world. Prachi has been a jury member for the Parag Honour List in English and Hindi.

Sushil Shukla

Sushil has had an impact on children’s literature in Hindi as an author, editor and publisher in the last two and a half decades. As the editor of children’s magazines, Chakmak in the past, and Cycle and Pluto in the last few years, he has pushed the limits of children’s literature in Hindi and has re-defined it in a way which has allowed life to be portrayed unabashedly and yet sensitively in children’s literature. Riyaaz, a course for aspiring illustrators, was conceptualized by him and acknowledges the importance of illustrations in children’s books. He has also been on Hindi textbook development committees of the NCERT and several states. Last year, Sushil received the Binod Kanoria Award for Yeh Sara Ujala Sooraj Ka in the category of Early Readers in Hindi. The award winning title and Machhli Nadi Khol ke Baithi have featured on the Parag Honour List.

Sushil has had an impact on children’s literature in Hindi as an author, editor and publisher in the last two and a half decades. As the editor of children’s magazines, Chakmak in the past, and Cycle and Pluto in the last few years, he has pushed the limits of children’s literature in Hindi and has re-defined it in a way which has allowed life to be portrayed unabashedly and yet sensitively in children’s literature. Riyaaz, a course for aspiring illustrators, was conceptualized by him and acknowledges the importance of illustrations in children’s books. He has also been on Hindi textbook development committees of the NCERT and several states. Last year, Sushil received the Binod Kanoria Award for Yeh Sara Ujala Sooraj Ka in the category of Early Readers in Hindi. The award winning title and Machhli Nadi Khol ke Baithi have featured on the Parag Honour List.


Prabhat is a well-known writer, poet who has written several works for children and adults. He has several titles to his name and has edited more than twenty books on folk literature for children in Bajjika, Chhattisgarhi, Baiga and Awadhi. He was awarded the Big Little Book Award for Hindi in 2019 and his books Kaisa Kaisa Khana and Lightening have featured on the Parag Honour List. He has been active in development of curriculum for primary education, teacher training, creative writing workshops and editing children’s magazines. Prabhat has had a long association with the Library Educators Course as a faculty and mentor.

Prabhat is a well-known writer, poet who has written several works for children and adults. He has several titles to his name and has edited more than twenty books on folk literature for children in Bajjika, Chhattisgarhi, Baiga and Awadhi. He was awarded the Big Little Book Award for Hindi in 2019 and his books Kaisa Kaisa Khana and Lightening have featured on the Parag Honour List. He has been active in development of curriculum for primary education, teacher training, creative writing workshops and editing children’s magazines. Prabhat has had a long association with the Library Educators Course as a faculty and mentor.

Riyaaz Academy for Illustrators

A professional development certificate course for artists and young illustrators to explore different forms of illustrations, refine professional skills and intellect, especially in picture book illustration.

More from Riyaaz Academy for Illustrators
Big Little Book Award

An annual award that recognizes and honours original and significant contribution of Indian authors and illustrators to children’s literature in Indian languages.


Parag’s annual Children’s Library Conference where library educators and others engaged in the library, with reading and children exchange ideas, present best practices and challenges.

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Case Studies
Riyaaz Academy – New Narrative for Children’s Illustrators

How do illustrators train? What happens during the course of a contact week at the Riyaaz Academy for Illustrators? This photo essay takes a sneak peek into the various aspects of the course.