Vidya Kakade, Library Educator in Kamala Nimbkar Bal Bhavan School encouraged grade 6 students communicate with their favourite author through letter writing…
Pradeep Dhekale, Librarian of Kamala Nimkar Bal Bhavan School in Phaltan has shared his experience of getting children to write…
The Leading Reading Schools of India Awards 2015
The Leading Reading Schools of India Award is an annual award established by Young India Books – India’s foremost review site of children’s books; to recognize and honour the five leading schools of the country;..
To continue with the stories of reading…
Written by Shivani Bajaj There is a reading which may not in the technical sense of the word qualify for reading, but it is making sense of sorts…
‘Reading’ with Vini and Akaash
Written by Arnavaz At home, Vini’s family spoke Gujarati. Her parents were educated in a Gujarati medium school…
Written by Alaka Malwade Basu Recently I took a day off to be among the first to enter the branch of the Washington DC Public Library that has opened right across my street…
The Place of Children’s Literature In Their Lives
Compared to some decades ago, it’s heartening to see that children’s literature is gaining importance in the learning process of children in our country…
The present time is a very exciting one for libraries and library educators…
The first batch of the LEC concluded in March 2014. There is a quiet pride is knowing that in multiple corners of Maharashtra, Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh…
Libary Educators Course 2014 concluded