Based on a true event in rural Tamil Nadu, this story follows a boy’s efforts to rally villagers to rescue nestlings of a vulnerable bird species. It captures community involvement in prioritizing a bird’s protection over immediate needs. Diverse characters offer insight into rural life and draw attention to a co-existence with nature and each other. The artwork, using a limited palette, plays with darkness and perspective in interesting ways.
A story about an 11-year-old would-be pastry chef. Narrated in a lively tone, the play on words and font-sizes adds to the humour. Pinkoo Shergill would much rather make raspberry cheesecake, than practice shooting like a good Punjabi boy, much to the disappointment of his Papaji. So, will Pinkoo win the baking contest and justify his passion? Find out, as you delight in the witty language, taste all the sinful delights conjured up by Pinkoo and meet blabbermouth Tutu, annoying Nimrat and coach Aalu!