ज़मीन हड़पने, उचित मुआवजा न मिलने, अपनी ही ज़मीन से बेघर किये जाने और कई तरह के उत्पीडन का विरोध देश के अलग-अलग हिस्सों में हो रहा है| ये खबरें कभी सुनने में आती हैं और कभी, नहीं|…
किताबें झांकती हैं बंद अलमारी के शीशों से, read Gulzar in one of his poems. As I re-read it, I wondered if these ‘band almaris’ had been open…
एक दिन जब अमोस मक गी बीमार पड़े
इस किताब से मैं हाल ही में परिचित हुई और पढ़ते ही इसकी अपनी एक कॉपी की चाह मन में बन गई| कवरपेज देखकर ही पता चलता है की इस किताब को चित्रांकन के लिए एक अवार्ड भी मिला है और किताब देखकर ये स्पष्ट हो जाता है की क्यों मिला होगा|…
Beyond Classes at the Library Educator’s Course
Our second contact classes for the 2018 batch of Library Educator’s Course (Hindi) began on Independence Day at Bhopal. Being in the library is indeed a sort of independence…
Musings from a teacher’s training
Through this year our team has been engaged with government teacher’s training in Uttar Pradesh for libraries in schools…
Children’s books are kind of wedded to animal stories and characters. Sometimes as themselves, sometimes as humans – animals perhaps come…
We just winded up the second contact classes of the 3rd batch of Library Educator’s Course and one thing that stayed with me this time was the ‘need to talk’ about literature…
Q: How do you start a poem? How does a poem become a poem?Prabhat: There is always a desire to write a poem. The thinking, the reading…it just goes on and on…
The Cow That Ate Fish and Meat
This story, titled in another publication as Our Non-Veg Cow and Other Stories, triggered my interest the very first time I saw it on the shelf…